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The marshmallow plant is a perennial herb that can grow up to 4 to 5 feet in height (1.3-1.6 mtrs). It has pink or white flowers, and its leaves are soft, velvety, and somewhat heart-shaped.  The flowers can be used in salads.  It is the root that is dried and used for medicinal purposes.  A pretty plant well worth having in the garden and worth looking into for all its great properties.

A native to Europe, this plant as its name suggests likes damp conditions.  Althaea, the botanical name come from the Greek, Altho - 'to cure' which is very apt as the whole plant is used, especially the roots which are rich in mucilage that heals and helps soothe inflammations and soreness, wounds, stings etc.  Marshmallow syrups are good for sore throat and coughs.  It is used for urinary tact inflammation and stomach issue and is good for indigestion and heart burn.

The slightly sweet gelatinous juice was used by confectioners in paste and lozenges.  

Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis

  • This perennial plant can be grown from seed from early spring to early autumn.  Best grown in seed trays/pots and transplanted.  Takes approximately 14-30 days to germinate and need a soil temperature 15-25 C.  Will grow in most situations but prefers moist soil. 

© 2021 By The Herbal Garden - Proudly created by Julie Powell-Booth

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